Wednesday, 8 May 2013

The Big and The Little

Jane: Yesterday and today (Tuesday & Wednesday) we have been walking through pretty, rolling countryside; lots of hills, rivers, bridges, hilltop villages.  yes, OK there have been the occasional cement factory and vast brewery and the odd ugly town -- but mostly lovely.  We are both tired now and will rest up in Logrono for two nights to give ourselves a treat.

We have decided to count the "angels" we meet on the way.  Our first "angel" was a young French man we met at Biarritz who took pity on us patiently waiting for the bus into Bayonne and came and told us that as it was 1st may there were no buses.  He then gave us his place in the long taxi queue (only one taxi - someone was missing a business opportunity). Our second "angel" was a lovely American women who took pitty on Charlotte when she wanted to change her bunk be allocation from one bay (which happened to be full of a group of friends) to my bay, which was empty. She rescued Charlotte from a very severe Mrs Jobsworth and was later very solicitous of our wellbeing and remembered our names. Our third was a Korean cyclists who saw us in the distance, hailed us (appreciating we had missed the path) and pointe us in the right direction.

Amazing things we have seen recently:  an emerald green lizard as long and fat as a small kitten -- OK there is no picture to prove this, but enter the "spirit of the Camino" and believe me; the biggest, most spectacular moth we have ever seen outside of a zoo (please, Mary, if you can, tell us what it is) -- just tried to load picture but no can do this time.  Wait with baited breath as it is truly stunning and you wouldn´t want a couple of them batting around your lampshade.


  1. Have looked up Logrono on Wiki. Apparently it’s the “autonomous capital of La Rioja”. So that’s why you’re staying two nights! You had me fooled for a minute. I thought you were staying for the ‘harkitectur and the sites’ but, really, it’s the wine.
    What with you two being Good Samaritans earlier on, and meeting angels on your way, the Way is turning into a real pilgrimage. Nice, but a bit creepy.
    I guess this Blog is like a diary but, it would be worth keeping some notes too. You two have definitely got the makings of a great Camino essay, if not a book!
    Yours (in great admiration) XX Mark

  2. Lovely idea, the angels..... will there be a special 'Guardian' one I wonder ( I think you are each other's GAs) - but if you are going down this road, watch out for the devils too - you may experience the odd 'temptation' ( so no cadging lifts !! )

    Lovely gentle reading from 2 lovely gentle people - keep it flowing.

    Love, Henry xx
