Friday, 3 May 2013

The Route Napoleon - Hola

Hi Everyone!  This is just a short blog to let you all know we are alive and well (ish) - I (Jane) have caught a cold (I think it is a French one as I could feel it before we crossed the frontier!)

We are coping fine but are very discombobulated.  we constantly cannot find anything and keep losing bits (and finding them).  Today it was Charlottte´s wrist watch then later her (beautiful) jacket from Mark (left in a bar but still there when we retraced our steps).  I am sure we shall get into the swing of things, but sharing mixed dormitories with just a few loos is not within my comfort zone at the moment.

We have met, chatted to and dined with some nice people.  we are utterly exausted today having climbed over the Pyrenees in the mist and rain. It was very cold on the top and really you just had to trudge on as sitting and resting just made you very cold.

I am down to just a few minutes on the pay computer so I´ll quickly try and add a photo.  I f nothing appears it means I ran out of time before I could fathom how to do it. 

Until next time.  (I did work out the photos but it took nearly 15 minutes to partly load the photo so I gave up.  Everything is in Spanish here.  Who´d have thought that!)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Mum and Charlotte.
    Congratulations on making it over the border. Sorry to hear you've got a cold, hopefully the Spanish sun will come our soon though. By the time you finish the walk you'll not be able to sleep in a room of less than 20 people and won't know what to do with a clean toilet :-P
    Thinking of you loads.
    M xxx

  3. Hi, thanks for the updates. Arlen says hello grandma and is thinking about you lots. I am going to have a look at the Google Earth map and see where you are. Glad you didn't lose your watch and coat mum! Arl is improving but still quite poorly and will miss the play that Oma was going to take him to today. I assume that Spanish toilets are better than the French ones we experienced? I have to tickle a naughty boy now who is nudging my arm and making writing this very difficult!

  4. Well done Jane and Charlotte. I guess it will take the first week or so to get into the swing of walking, and refuging and speaking (some) Spanish, and becoming inured to basic living. Although you're the ones that did all that camping in Cornwall and Italy, so you should be (sort of) used to rough-and-ready!
    Henry sent me this link to the blog of a Darren Combrink (USA) On Day 2 (Orisson to Roncesvalles) he refers to you two: "I was fortunate to meet two retired British ladies (sisters), Charlotte and Jane, walking at my speed. I was bit nervous to do this on my own, people die up there in bad weather". I'd say he was more than a "bit nervous", and you were both being good Samaritans. Appropriate really!
    Looking forward to photos, and more news. Have a great time. All my love XXX Mark

  5. Good pics. you two. Well done so far. Hope the cold has not developed into anything Jane.Have just worked out how I can communicate. Have been merrily posting stuff only to find that it did not appear! Anyway hopefully overcome that now.
    Hope that the weather improves but is not too hot and that you continue to get into the walking groove. Looking forward to more news and photos.
    Much love to you both Marion
